Saturday, November 24, 2018

Dream on the Eve of My Birthday

"Look how high the water in the marina is," my friend Sasha said. We all ran to the window to see it lapping the edges of the sidewalk. Going from window to widow, we checked the water's progress every few minutes, but the level held steady. 

"It's okay," I said, "but what about all these dogs?" The neighbors had a small pool and a jacuzzi, and nine large black dogs took turns jumping in and out of the water. When I looked more closely, I saw that one was an ape. "That's not good," I said as the ape came to the fence between our two yards. He could climb over that, I thought. I ran to a basement bedroom and barricaded the door.


When I talked to a friend this morning, he told me he'd had a dream last night about seeing someone walking some big dogs. And he dreamed about a chimpanzee in a car. We talked about the Chinese zodiac for a while, but couldn't make sense of anything. I was born in the year of the dragon. Water dragon, I think, to be more specific. At least that makes a little sense. The water is rising.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I will be 66 on Sunday. So happy birthday to us both. I hope the move goes well and it not too stressful and that you will like the new location.