Tuesday, October 15, 2019


I have discovered collage. 
Mostly though, I've been writing, and writing, and writing. 
Stopping the words and reveling in the visual is a relief.

Luckily, I can send these creations out as greeting cards to friends. They can do with them what they will. Space here in my new abode is limited.

Collaging summer scenes might be fun when it's 40 below here. Right now winter fascinates me.

Now that I've made a few collages, I see that the world is a collage. Clouds, cityscapes, the fallen leaves. All of it pasted together by nature, god, and man.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I like the idea of making the collage and then sending it forth. Our new house is small with veeeeerrrrrrry limited storage. How are you attaching the various papers? Glue stick? Double sided tape? I was noticing that the paper doesn't ripple which is good. The elephant is particularly beautiful.