Friday, February 22, 2013

Cheap Wine # 1

"So......"I said to M. "On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most fabulous bottle of wine you've ever had for 4.99, what do you think of this?" We were drinking Chiusa Grande Tommolo Montepulciano d'Abruzzo. It sounds fucking fabulous, doesn't it? Like you could whisper "Tommolo montepulciano" in a lover's ear, and things would just get more and more grande as the night went along. But, sadly, no. That is not what we thought of cheap wine #1.

There's always tomorrow. Right?

And since, in the Province of Pillville, things are a bit rocky at the moment after a visit to the endodontist, I have no business being lost in oenophilean bliss. I will sleep with one ear and one eye open, hoping my mom gets some relief from the pain pills she needs to weather the aftermath of her root canal.

There's always tomorrow. Right?
photo credit:


Ms. Moon said...

I wish I could help you. Alas, I do not drink wine. Too headachy for me.
I hope your mama feels better.

JoniB said...

Have you tried Charles Shaw wine? It is affectionately called "Two Buck Chuck" and can be found at Trader Joe's.

Suz said...

good grief I thought that was a pic of your ex in his current situation
I was about to join you in a glass