Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hire Me

Here is the email I sent today:

Dear Someone:

If you are well enough to pick up the phone and ask your attorney to do whatever it is that has to be done, would you do it, please?

I simply CANNOT function financially without a court order that reflects my current alimony.
The only other option is for you to deposit into my account that money that is owed per the current court order. If you did that TODAY I could finalize my re-fi.

Feel free to call me. I am at my desk....pulling my hair out.

This unfortunate drama has been going on for more than a month.

In a perfect world, there would be a job description that reads like this: "Wanted: Responsible and determined person to hover over people who do not return phone calls, answer letters, or emails. Job responsibilities would include hounding said unfortunate persons until they perform their required tasks--and inventing fit punishments for work not performed in a timely matter." 

I would so love to be the boss of that.

Meanwhile, the sea lions have been barking here in Margaritaville. I think I'm going to go bark with them....before it's time to do my mom's weekly blood test. Poking holes in people is not something that should be done until there's been some therapeutic barking.

photo credit: National Geographic


janzi said...

Just read this blog post and have to tell you that I am amazed at your ability to deal with that awful person who is keeping you hovering asking for the adjustment to the amount he is prepared to give you... this person who has been such a sh...to you.. I admire your strength too to be able to blog like that without spitting fire!! I do hope that you get a response, and that you managed to bark like the seals, and that the rest of the evening was spent in good humour... I love reading your blogs, they are so very interesting even about the smallest details you describe... hugs from across the pond.. janzi

Ms. Moon said...

I'd bark with you if I had the energy.

Anonymous said...

You can hire 'muscle', big guys who don't care too much about anything.

Elizabeth said...

It's freaking unbelievable that you've had to deal with this continued bullshit for so damn long. I wanted to get in a whole slew of curse words and just about did it, no?

Sending love. You sure don't need patience.