Sunday, February 9, 2014

You know you're in trouble when: are googling "weekend pain clinic" in the wee hours of a Sunday morning
2....there are not enough microwave hot packs in the house stupidly decide to have ice cream and gingersnaps for breakfast and your stomach rebels feel sorry for yourself when it's your mother who woke screaming in pain at 1:00 a.m. close all the shades so you can't see the water


My life so far said...

I'm sorry Denise. It's just hard. Sending hugs.

Ms. Moon said...

This has to be just incredibly hard. I am so sorry.

A said...

Hoping relief and rest have been secured.

Elizabeth said...

Oh, Denise. I am so sorry. I hope that as I write this, late at night, that things have improved.

N2 said...

Hang in there, Denise. We are out here thinking of you and sending light and love. x0 N2