Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Real and the Unreal

Four years ago I was someone else.  I had a different name.  A different life. The grief over my divorce was a black sky that loomed over everything.
The new me felt like a fraud at first. A pretender. Now it seems like the married me, the wife, was the illusion--a cardboard cutout with a cardboard husband.  The new reality feels so much brighter.


Unknown said...

That is very very good

Elizabeth said...

Oh, yes -- a tangle of lights rooted firmly in the ground with a star on top --

Another interesting thought I had is that I've known you "before" and "after," and you're still Denise, always Denise, beautiful and wonderful Denise.

Ms. Moon said...

Growth. Which is wonderful.

Pearl said...

The fun part is that I think all aspects of ourselves are real, up to and including the one that internally complains all the way through yoga and the one who secretly eats Cool Whip out of the container.


Nice piece!
