Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Advance Directive and Medical Power of Attorney

It's been a process.

Back in August when my mom and I were staying with family in Iowa, we printed out the Medial Power of attorney form from the American Bar Association. We filled in the signature part and left the rest blank. My sister-in-law slipped it into a plastic sleeve, and the mostly blank document rode in a rear seat-pocket all the way to California.

After we got here it sat in a stack of papers. Handicap placard application. Driver's license/I.D. application. A brochure for websites regarding birth certificates and marriage licenses--so my mom could get actually California I.D. There was a stack of voter registration stuff. Paperwork regarding other calls I had to make for my mom.  If we buried the Advance Directive/ Medical Power of Attorney form deep enough........then nobody dies?  Right? Um.....

Finally, on Wednesday,  I printed out the California Bar Association version, and my mom and I sat down and went through it item by item. I printed out the same form for myself. I printed out two wills. The wills are works in progress still, but my mom's Advance Directive/Medical Power of Attorney form is finished--except it needs the signatures of two witnesses. This rather profound task will be completed this evening.

Sigh of relief.

When I complete Medical Power of Attorney/Advance Directive form, I'm going to use the "special instructions" section to say that I'd like to die outside under the sky--as close to the ocean as possible.

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