Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What do you collect?

I collect plastic shovels I find on the sand,

heart shaped rocks,

beach glass,

rocks that remind me of maps of land and sea,

a weird array of other things I find on the beach,

and divorce documents.

I have a large collection of divorce documents.


Elizabeth said...

I can't wait for the day you can burn all that in a big old bonfire on the beach.

I collect books and sighs.

Murr Brewster said...

Man, I'd consider it but I didn't realize there's be such a paper trail. Probably easier to skip the whole thing. I have enough trouble filing my Important Tax Papers.

Allison said...

One of the happiest days was when my husband's youngest child aged out of child support. That left no avenue for his ex to continue harassing him through the courts, as she had done for the first twelve years of our marriage. It is amazing to me how difficult and expensive the entire process is. Throwing all the court documents away was just wonderful.

Birdie said...


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Mel said...

Love your collections - except for the papers - ugh. Sorry about that one. But the beach finds? And the glass? Heart shaped rocks? Agates, maybe, the map ones? Love them. Love.

I collect rocks, shells, butterfly and moth wings, matchbooks and books, books, books. I have an embarrassing amount of rocks in jars and bowls all over my house. Not normal. I need to cull a little maybe.

Thanks for sharing your collections. I'm envious you have a beach to find things on...