Monday, April 2, 2012

It's time to say, "Thank You."

Thank you, dear readers, for your many comments of late. You are inspiring, informative, supportive, smart, generous, and sometimes you even make me laugh out loud.

I appreciate each and every one of you.

photo credit:


Ms. Moon said...


janzi said...

Its actually you we have to thank for sharing all your advice and thoughts on this awful stages of divorce and picking up the pieces!!!... I am sure you have helped a lot of people to deal with their own times of sadness... and just by the by, your writing style is so easy and comforting despite the heavy issues you deal with... so thanks again for sharing and more power to your elbow as they say!!!
hugs from across the pond.. Janzi

Anonymous said...

What they said.

I think you may have saved my life. (Honestly. I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't discovered you just in time.) Thank you. Blessings & all best wishes from the fish delivery woman.

Jules said...

You are warmly welcome.
Can't wait to see your new place!

Elizabeth said...

You are welcome. I honestly don't like to imagine my little world without you in it, so thank YOU.