Monday, May 12, 2014

Anything is Possible.

I accomplished many things today. Things that would not impress anyone, really, but I feel like I have superhuman powers due to said innumerable trivial accomplishments. I could go to sleep or I could stay awake FOREVER. DOING MORE TRIVIAL THINGS.

Perhaps I should mention that I've been sleeping a lot prior to the combustible energy I experienced today.

And perhaps I should mention, that tomorrow, the man who loves me might sit in the chair pictured above--at the makeshift desk in my room. It'll be rather remarkable if he sits anywhere since he has been mostly asleep since Thursday night when I took him to the ER. But he's been infused with blood and antibiotics and fluids, so who knows, anything is possible. Anything.


Ms. Moon said...

May that be possible. May it come true.

37paddington said...

I will picture him in that chair, the sun falling gently over him.

Allison said...

It's a nice chair. I hope he'll be happy in it.